Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Thank You for Yesterday!

There are many memories of yesterday in its broader meaning, I'd like to give thanks for those and immediate ones today.  And, I thank you Lord for the kind words my brother-in-law had when he heard about my recent losses.

I have yet to say anything online about the sudden death on Sunday in New Jersey of the husband of my mother's first cousin and best friend.  He was a gentleman from Spain who raised his family in the United States.  In my childhood, the summers we spent with his family are marked with a different kind of happiness one that my sisters and I share with his children.  His children are grown up now, one of his greatest accomplishments.  He kept a beautiful garden and remained active to his very last day.  May he be in God's glory, resting in peace as he watches from heaven his grandchildren.

His funeral is on Friday in New Jersey.

I would like to give thanks to the Lord for the avuncular role he played in my childhood and for being able to see him and his family this past summer.


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