Monday, August 17, 2015


Tango, Flamenco, Good Sesame Dancers Teach How to Do a MACARENA of at least 1 minute and 07 seconds

Our tango dancers will take a moment to learn how to teach others who otherwise would not dance to do a MACARENA, please research this first and you 'll know what to do.

Our flamenco dancers will take a moment to learn how to teach others who otherwise would not dance to do a MACARENA, please research this first and you'll know what to do.

The good sesames that like to dance will please do a MACARENA and learn how to teach others who would otherwise not dance to do a MACARENA.  Please research this first and you'll know what to do.

Research a full, good spell inducing, badspellcutting MACARENA.

One day not too far from today, let's ask Dominic Keating and his right love, Mark Hamill and his right love and Jerry Rice and his right love to do a MACARENA that they have learned from either our tango, our flamenco or our dancing good sesames.

The young man who organized the ROCKIN 1000 is to please do a MACARENA too, he'll research this and find out why I'm asking him for this!

The MACARENA doesn't have to be too long -------- +1:07 at least will be good, one minute and seven seconds at least of MACARENA.

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