Monday, May 30, 2005
Apropos DETB, Food Trap Mapping
One place they're studying is Southwark School, at Ninth and Mifflin
Streets in South Philadelphia. A map drawn by the cartographic lab shows three
stars indicating "recreational opportunities." There are 25 squares of various
colors -- all "food opportunities" within a half-mile radius of the
school. Within a block of the school are a pizza shop selling cheese
fries, a hoagie shop with jumbo 50-cent sodas, and a Chinese takeout with a big
selection of candy and chips. Researchers surveyed 600 students at Southwark and
other schools. About half of them bought food on the way to school, spending on
average $2 a day.(...) The pattern repeated on the way home. (emphasis mine, you can see that food dwarfs recreation 8.33:1)