Thursday, April 05, 2012


April 5th Remakes

April, springtime, is such a time for renewal and fresh starts.  Today, April 5th, let's try to remake the fools into intelligent beings.  Remake the humans that we were given to be more like the humans we sought.  To be more like humans we care about rather than abandoned ones.  Remake the sick.  Use a bit of clay or a bit of ash and say you are humans we care about today and everyday from today.  Who do you think needs a remake?  Stella?  What do you think needs to be remade?  Puerto Rican news shows?  Fortuño?  Trash television?  People victimized by medical mistakes?  People induced into objectionable behaviour?

Note:  Since Puerto Rico has four shores, the realization that Stella may have a special ocean role to play here hit me.  We need to find out.  Sticking to the Stella that is yet to kill herself is key, after she killed herself as heart-wrenching as that is to those who love her, we need to find out what to do.  What are the ocean authorities we were working with saying?  

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