Sunday, April 27, 2014


The Good Globe Young People Do Good Things!

Good things are happening in the Good Globe!  See for yourself!  Make any suggestions you may have to!

A1 Paris, France, "Medical School"  Alicia has more resources waiting for her to help her accomplish her goals.  She has the Argentinian Dr. Donnica to summon to help Dr. Donnica with the enormous work ahead.

2.  Elsa can ask the Defence to assign someone to come sing in her address in Villa Nevarez frequently.

3.  Francesca can ask the President of Galaxy.Org to research making Toro Negro a bigger place, with more plants/vegetation, and other beings who may want to call Toro Negro home.

4.  Eva is to please remove wrongdoing from the Sesame Street group in Poland.

5.  Esther is to please research "Defence of Holidays" and see if the Defence will help her create a nucleus of holiday defence in Bombay, India.  She is not to forget to ask for the Indian, Bombay toy store!  Some of the defenders can also be toy store personnel!

6.  Fabianna is to make sure the entire Jupiter cloud is properly revived after the crisis!  She is to please research this and ask for help from her teachers/tutors/Philadelphia/San Francisco to revive all Jupiters properly.  She is to find out how to remove wrongdoing at the Jupiter level.  She will find out!  She will succeed!

7.  Frida is to visit the Bombay, India toy store when it is open.  She is to research toy heaven and help bring toys who are thrown in the trash or otherwise hurt be recycled/reborn/refurbished and given to the right child.

8.  Emanuel has Bedrock to research, especially how it relates to Italy.  He has the rocks of Italy to study.  He can study the rocks of Pisa, the rocks of Florence, the rocks of Taranto and ask for a protected, closed Children's Italy to do his study from!

9.  Giselle is to visit Cleopatra in Aibonito.  When she researches this, she will know what to do.

10.  Georgina is to please rescue Philadelphia's Boyz II Men group.  She is to research this and help locate the right couple for each member of the group Boyz II Men.

11.  Golda when she prepares the follow up presentation for 2015 on Rice-A-Roni will see we have unearthed more information about Jerry Rice and his couple.  

12.  Castro is to also prepare his 2015 presentation [everyone will be asked to start putting research aside for the 2015 presentations] .  He is to help find the galactic Masters of the Universe area.  He is to visit Galicia and help research the galactic importance of Galicia.  Galicia has particular importance for the Masters of the Universe.

13.  Sila is to please ask Frida Feldman for help to open the Aibonito Toy Store.  Toy Store personnel can also be Aibonito Defence personnel.  Sila is to please ask for help from the Aibonito Cacique in doing this.  Sila has the Aibonito children's playground to open.  she also has Dr. Donnica from Aibonito to summon to help the Dr. Donnica cloud.

14.  Iris is to please help create the boy Ivan Irizarry who will be like her brother.  She's to ask for help to build her network of boys, including her brothers and her cousins, her friends, and those boys that are part of a good social circle.

15.  Jessica has a trip to Punta Arenas to say hello to the Arroyo family.  When she researches this she will know what to do.  

16.  Michelle has a home on the Hudson that has a river docking bay for a riverboat.  She's to please ask for help from the President of Galaxy.Org to obtain this.  She's also to ask for help to build her network of boys, including her brothers, her cousins, her friends, her schoolmates and those found to be a part of a good social circle.

17.  Madeline is to please help defend French children!  She is to ask for help from the defence in doing this, we may discover French children are not defended at all.

18.  Olguita is to plan her 2015 presentation to include Willie Wonka in Miami.  As she researches this she will know what to do.

19.  Pamela is to research A3 which is found over Saint Helen's.  She has a bigger campus for Saint Helen's to ask for, she can start asking the President of Galaxy.Org.  

[Twenty!  Be careful with number bigger than 18!]  In Isabel García's address in California, Sarah has Active Sesames to research.  She will deactivate active but poor sesames.  Thank you.  She can please compare Active Sesames to Active Karma by comparing information with Saralee Singapore.

G7/7G In Singapore, Saralee is to research why there is a line of bakery products named Sara Lee!  She can ask the Karma to help her broker some Sara Lee Pound Cake for the young child that is being raised in Singapore.  She will research this and know which young child I am referring to.  She is to please research the LEE.  She will also research the connection between Active Karma and Active Bo.

******* Tatiana has to study Bedrock from the fantasy angle.  She also has to study Mississippi from the fantastic angle.  Mississippi fantasy will be a big help during the crisis, she can research this and will know what to do.

Vanessa is to ask for help to bring her brother VELASCO VELEZ to life.  She's to please ask for a good social circle to be built for her - taking into account the people she has in her life already.  

Zuleyka Zachary is to continue to study the suns of the galaxy.  She is to start researching her 2015 presentation. Zuleyka is to go back to the vendor who was offering the expensive bookmarks using closed SOLAR CHANNEL travel and explain I could not afford the bookmarks were too expensive.  If she can, she can buy one to keep as a souvenir of today!

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