Wednesday, September 16, 2015


9-15-15 { ODDS don't hurt in the 7

Le Cigne will work on the CAT SUN for her royal highnessa KAREN and her right love KING

Le Cigne will work on the DOG SUN for the AMBLER, for Leopold, for all canine, for the EMPEROR that is not JUPITER in NEW YORK and for Snoopy, Scooby, Benefulian, Lassie and all famous dog/gods

Le Cigne will work on the TURTLE SUN, Le Cigne will know who the TURTLE sun is for in our group.

Le Cigne will work on the LIZARD SUN, and know what to do.

Le Cigne will work on the FROG SUN, and know what to do.

Cat, Dog, Turtle, Lizard and Frog - the Masters of the Universe and the Grandmasters of the Universe will help LE CIGNE with privileged information -- the Cats' heart is ODD, the Dogs' heart is ODD, the Turtles' heart is ODD, the Lizards' heart is ODD and the Frogs' heart is ODD.

2015 is the ODD year of D so HUGE from now until 12-31-15 that we will need all the galaxy to house it.

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